
Commands at Naval Submarine Base New London

Commander Submarine Group 2

The U.S. Navy’s submarine force has the world’s most capable submarines, manned by the world’s best trained and motivated submariners. During a political or military confrontation, any potential adversary must assume that United States Navy submarines are present and consider the consequences.
Commander Submarine Group 2 exercises command of North Atlantic attack submarine forces administratively assigned, as well as operational control of Atlantic submarine units and other forces when assigned.
The attack submarines are primarily designed to seek and destroy enemy submarines and surface ships. Their other missions range from intelligence collection and special forces delivery to anti-ship and strike warfare.
The Commander of Submarine Group 2 is responsible for Submarine Squadrons 2, 4, and Submarine Development Squadron 12 in Groton, as well as Submarine Squadrons 6 and 8 in Norfolk. Headed by a flag officer, the Commander of Submarine Group 2 also exercises responsibility for the training and certification of new construction and overhaul of ships and crews at Electric Boat and Portsmouth Naval Shipyards.

Commander Submarine Squadron 2

Submarine Squadron TWO is an operational command serving under the Commander, Submarine Force.
The mission of Submarine Squadron TWO is to provide operational, personnel, logistical and material support to ships and units assigned. The squadron is composed of five 688 class submarines, including one dry-deck shelter platform and the Navy’s only deep submergence nuclear powered research vessel.
The Squadron’s goals are to maintain operational readiness by exercising operational and administrative control of ships assigned; to maintain the highest possible standards of material and personnel readiness by monitoring training, personnel, supply and logistical support; to strive for increased efficiency and activities supported by the Naval Submarine Support Center, Naval Submarine Support Facility and Regional Support Group; and to vigorously pursue the improvement of submarine tactics and techniques in order to assist and support Commander Submarine Force in the accomplishment of his mission.
Following the end of World War II, Submarine Squadron TWO was formed in October 1945 at the Naval Submarine Base, New London under the command of Captain L. S. Parks, USN. The squadron has been in Groton ever since.
In 1945, the squadron was composed entirely of World War II diesel “fleet” boats. Today, the squadron operates the most diverse nuclear submarines in the Atlantic Fleet. Squadron TWO submarines regularly deploy to the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), European Command (EUCOM) and Central Comand (CENTCOM) areas of responsibility (AORs) and around the the world participating in joint operations and major Fleet exercises.
Los Angeles class attack submarines assigned to Submarine Squadron 2 include:
USS Dallas (SSN 700) - Commissioned July 18, 1981, Dallas is the 13th ship in the Los Angeles class and the first United States Naval Ship to bear the name of the City of Dallas, Texas.”
USS Pittsburgh (SSN 720) - Commissioned Nov. 23, 1985, Pittsburgh is the 33rd ship in the Los Angeles class and the fourth United States Naval Ship to bear the name of the City of Pittsburgh, Penn.
USS Providence (SSN 719) - Commissioned July 27, 1985, Providence is the 32nd ship in the Los Angeles class and the fifth United States Naval Ship to bear the name of the City of Providence, Rhode Island.
USS Springfield (SSN 761) - Commissioned Jan. 9, 1993, Springfield is the 11th ship in the improved Los Angeles class and the fourth United States Naval Ship to bear the name and was specifically named for Springfield, Illinois and Springfield, Massachusetts.”

Commander Submarine Squadron 4

The mission of Commander Submarine Squadron 4 is to equip, man and train Sailors assigned to fast attack submarines to ensure that they are combat ready and capable of taking the fight to the enemy. Its submarines are able to bring strength, agility, firepower and endurance to the battle space like no other platform in the U.S, Navy.
Submarine Squadron 4 includes two Los Angeles-class submarines and four Virginia-class submarines. The Navy’s newest class of attack submarine, the Virginia-class, was let for contract in late 1998. The Virginia-class fully embraces the new strategic concept. It is the first U.S. submarine to be designed for battle space dominance across a broad spectrum of regional and littoral missions, as well as open-ocean, “blue water” missions.
The attack submarines assigned to Submarine Squadron 4 include:
USS Hartford (SSN 768) - Commissioned Dec. 10, 1994, Hartford is the 18th ship in the improved Los Angeles class and the second United States Naval Ship to bear the name of the City of Hartford, Conn.
USS Miami (SSN 755) - Commissioned June 30, 1990, Miami is the 5th ship in the improved Los Angeles class and the third United States Naval Ship to bear the name of the City of Miami, Florida.
USS Missouri (SSN 780) - Commissioned July 31, 2010, Missouri is the 7th ship in the Virginia Class and the fifth United States Naval Ship to bear the name of the state of Missouri.
USS Virginia (SSN 774) - Commissioned Oct. 23, 2004, Virginia is 1st ship in the Virginia class and the sixth United States Naval Ship to bear the name of the state of Virginia.
USS New Hampshire (SSN 778) - Commissioned Oct. 25, 2008, New Hampshire is the 5th ship in the Virginia class and the third United States Naval Ship to bear the name of the state of New Hampshire.”
USS New Mexico (SSN 779) – Commissioned March 27, 2010, New Mexico is the sixth ship in the Virginia class and the second United States Naval Ship named in recognition of the people of the “Land of Enchantment.”

Commander Submarine Development Squadron 12

The mission of Submarine Development Squadron 12 is to support the Navy’s vision of the future by developing and evaluating submarine tactics, both war fighting and forward presence, and disseminating those tactics to the operating forces.
Using five submarines, it provides operational insight into the development of new technology and equipment.
Submarines used by Submarine Development Squadron 12 to evaluate tactics and test new technology and equipment include:
USS Alexandria (SSN 757) - Commissioned May 21, 1983, Alexandria is the 7th ship in the improved Los Angeles class and the third United States Naval Ship to bear the name Alexandria for the cities in Louisiana and Virginia.
USS Annapolis (SSN 760) - Commissioned April 11, 1992, Annapolis is the 10th ship in the improved Los Angeles class and the fourth United States Naval Ship to bear the name of the City of Annapolis, Maryland.
USS Memphis (SSN 691) - Commissioned Dec.17, 1977, Memphis is the 4th ship in the Los Angeles class and the sixth United States Naval Ship to bear the name of the City of Memphis, Tenn.
USS San Juan (SSN 751) - Commissioned Aug. 6, 1988, San Juan is the 1st ship in the improved Los Angeles class and the third United States Naval Ship to bear the name of the City of San Juan, Puerto Rico.
USS Toledo (SSN 769) - Commissioned Feb. 24, 1995, Toledo is the 19th ship in the improved Los Angeles class and the second United States Naval Ship to bear the name of the City of Toledo, Ohio.

Naval Submarine Support Center (NSSC)

The Naval Submarine Support Center’s mission is to centralize administrative and support functions, economize resources and provide a common pool of experts who provide complete functional support to the commanders of Submarine Squadrons 2, 4, and Submarine Development Squadron 12.
NSSC provides support in the areas of administration, medical, legal, chaplain, supply, combat systems, engineering, communications, and operations to improve readiness; and performs such other functions as may be directed by higher authority. NSSC is located in Building 87 on lower base.

Regional Support Group

Regional Support Group (RSG) Groton is Command U.S. Submarine Force Atlantic’s direct waterfront representative. RSG directs, assigns, and monitors the accomplishment of maintenance on all assigned submarines. This involves long-range planning, coordination of repair activities, and monitoring the execution of work in progress.

Naval Submarine Support Facility

Naval Submarine Support Facility (NSSF) New London was established in February 1974. Organized and staffed along the lines of an afloat submarine tender Intermediate Maintenance Activity (IMA), the command employs more than 400 military, 42 DoD civilians, and 297 contractors.
The primary mission of NSSF is to provide direct maintenance support to submarines assigned to Submarine Squadrons 2 and 4, and Submarine Squadron Development 12. Visiting ships are often supported.
NSSF is divided into eight departments: Repair, Weapons, Administration, Safety, Facilities Support Group, Supply, Comptroller, and Information Resource Management. The Repair Department is the largest, accounting for more than 500 positions that encompass approximately 35 repair shops. The capabilities of the Repair Department cover the full spectrum of maintenance operations required by modern submarines.
The Weapons Department stores, tests and issues all tactical weapons, pyrotechnics and ordnance loaded on board New London area submarines. The weapons handled include Mark 48 ADCAP torpedo, Tomahawk Cruise Missile, external countermeasures and ammunition. The highly sophisticated Mark 48 ADCAP torpedo is the primary tactical weapon for the submarine force. The Weapons Department also maintains and operates an armory for small arms storage and provides training for all local area commands through use of its small arms range.
The other six departments combine to provide the necessary support required by the command and the Groton waterfront. There are more than 100 people - military, and civilian - employed in these departments.

Navy Operational Support Center (NOSC)

The mission of the Navy Operational Support Center, New London, is to provide mission-capable units and individuals to the Navy-Marine Corps Team throughout the full range of operations from peace to war. The Center directs 15 units comprising over 350 Reserve Component personnel who support SUBASE New London tenant commands. From the Naval Security Force and the Submarine Learning Center to COMSUBDEVRON 12 and Inshore Boat Unit 22, the Reserve Component Sailors of this NOSC are highly trained, motivated and fully involved in the Navy mission - support to the fleet ready and fully integrated!

Supervisor of Shipbuilding

Electric Boat Corporation, located in Groton, Conn., has more than a century of experience building submarines, beginning in 1899 with a 54-foot submersible vessel developed by John Philip Holland. During World War I and just after, Electric Boat received orders to build 85 submarines for the U.S. Navy.
Since that time, Electric Boat has continued building submarines for the Navy to include its nuclear fleet of Los Angeles, Seawolf, and now Virginia-class submarines - some of which are currently stationed at Naval Submarine Base New London.
The Office of the Supervisor of Shipbuilding is the liaison between the Department of the Navy and the Electric Boat Corporation. It is the Supervisor’s responsibility to administer all contracts, provide government furnished equipment and outfit ships, assure that the requirements of the contracts are fully met, ascertain that satisfactory production progress is maintained, and ensure that the fleet is provided quality warships fully prepared to sail “in harm’s way.” The Supervisor’s office has been recognized by the Secretary of the Navy with the award of a Meritorious Unit Commendation in 1981, 1985, 1989, and 2006.
The history of the Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair, USN, better known as SUPSHIP, Groton, dates back to 1931. That year, the U.S. Navy and the Electric Boat Company began negotiations for the construction of the USS Cuttlefish (SS 171) at Groton. As a result, the Office of the Superintending Constructor was established on July 11, 1931. Shortly thereafter, on August 1, 1931, the Office of Inspector of Machinery was established. Its responsibility covered the inspection of construction work and the inspection of machinery and materials. Under the joint direction of these two offices, the keel of the Cuttlefish was laid on October 7, 1931, and the boat was delivered on June 8, 1934.
The Office of Superintending Constructor and the Office of the Inspector of Machinery continued until May 11, 1940, at which time their efforts were consolidated into one office - the Supervisor of Shipbuilding, U.S. Navy.
Since the delivery of Cuttlefish in 1934, hundreds of ships have been delivered by the General Dynamics Corporation, Electric Boat Division, under the supervision of this command. Notably included was the first nuclear-powered submarine, USS Nautilus (SSN 571), commissioned in 1954; the first Polaris Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine, USS George Washington (SSBN 598), commissioned in 1959; the first Trident fleet ballistic missile submarine, USS Ohio (SSBN 726), commissioned in 1981; the first Seawolf-class attack submarine, USS Seawolf (SSN 21), commissioned in 1997; and the first Virginia-class attack submarine, USS Virginia (SSN 774), commissioned in 2004.
Today, with the completion of Los-Angles-class, Ohio-class, and Seawolf-class submarines, the command is moving ahead with Virginia-class construction programs awarded by the Naval Sea Systems Command. In 2006, the Navy also awarded Electric Boat a $13.7 million contract modification for nuclear submarine work. Currently, Electric Boat Company employs 10,500 people between its Groton, Conn., and Quonset Point, R.I., facilities. The latter facility was established in 1974.

Submarine Learning Center (SLC)

The Submarine Learning Center’s (SLC) mission is to create, coordinate and execute the future training and education vision for the submarine force and partner with fleet representatives in defining individual human performance solutions to meet Submarine Force performance requirements.
SLC is an integral part of the Navy’s Revolution in Training, as implemented by Task Force EXCEL (Excellence through Commitment to Education and Learning). It is one of 14 specialized Learning Centers, whose primary function is to partner with fleet representatives in defining individual human performance solutions to meet Submarine Force performance requirements. Additionally, the SLC will create, coordinate and execute the future training and education vision for the Submarine Force.
The revolution in Navy training presents unlimited opportunities for the Submarine Force to continue to improve upon its unmatched record of training excellence. Through the infusion of training technology innovation, re-engineering of learning methods and the commitment to ensure our Sailors remain the central element in performance solutions, the SLC will lead our six Submarine Learning sites in ensuring our undersea warriors are fully prepared to fight and win in the 21st century.

Naval Submarine School

When the first class of 24 officers began studies for submarine duty in the summer of 1916, the submarine base in Groton, Connecticut was little more than a handful of buildings scattered across the area now known as Lower Base.
By Christmas 1916, the 22 graduates of the first submarine officers’ course were heading out for assignments after spending six months in training on submarines, torpedoes, engineering and electricity. Records are sketchy on the nature of much of that training, especially since the bulk of the early trainers were salvage material from decommissioned submarines. Within a year, the submarine officers, and those who followed them through Naval Submarine School, were serving around the globe when the United States entered World War I.
Ninety-four years after that first graduation, the Naval Submarine School, Submarine Base, the U.S. Navy and the world have all undergone radical and profound change, but the tradition as the center for submarine training excellence continues.
From one building on Lower Base in 1916, Naval Submarine School has grown to the largest single tenant unit on SUBASE, with nearly 40,000 Sailors graduating annually from nearly two hundred different courses. From an era when training aids were Mark I Attack trainers and a German-built trainer of unspecified history, Naval Submarine School maintains and operates state-of-the-art trainers costing millions to design and develop. These trainers are vital tools in providing realistic individual and team training for the submarine fleet.
Naval Submarine School course offerings include introduction, apprentice and basic skill level training; encompass initial technical proficiency training and advanced team operator and team training in electronic and combat systems employment, navigation and damage control; and provide mid-career professional growth courses for both officers and enlisted Sailors.
Naval Submarine School also conducts refresher training of all Atlantic Fleet submarines completing construction or overhaul, pre-deployment and training ashore for all submarines of the Atlantic Fleet.
No one can forecast the future. But Naval Submarine School can look to our history with confidence that we will continue to serve the Navy and the nation with pride in our past and a continued commitment to excellence in the future.

Naval Undersea Medical Institute (NUMI)

The Naval Undersea Medical Institute (NUMI) is responsible for providing training and technical support in undersea medicine, radiation health, and related matters, to meet the requirements of Navy Medicine and to provide technical support in those matters to the United States naval operating forces and activities worldwide.
NUMI is the source of training for submarine force independent duty corpsmen, radiation health technicians, underseas medical officer candidates, and radiation health officers. It also provides the Navy’s only Radiation Health Indoctrination Course for officers and enlisted personnel going to a wide variety of billets throughout the fleet. Staff members field calls from military activities all over the world on matters related to radiation health, undersea medicine, and submarine medical administration.
The institute is committed to educational excellence and technical expertise, which will create a learning environment that instills competence, confidence and integrity; foster innovation, creativity, and teamwork; provide graduates whose performance exceeds the expectations of our customers; and make a positive impact on the health, safety, and well being of Sailors and Marines worldwide.
Naval Undersea Medical Institute is the former School of Submarine Medicine, which had its beginning as a division of the Submarine Medical Research Laboratory during World War II. In 1964, the school became a department of the Naval Submarine Medical Center. The name of the school was changed to Naval Undersea Medical Institute in 1973, and in 1975 NUMI was designated as a detachment of the Naval Health Sciences and Education and Training Command in Bethesda, Md. In 1998, NUMI became a detachment of the Naval Operational Medical Institute, located in Pensacola, Fla.
Curriculum for Naval Undersea Medical Institute courses is contained on the Institute’s Web site at:

Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory (NSMRL)

The United States Submarine Service has a long and proud tradition of developing and operating with leading edge technologies. The Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory (NSMRL) is a major contributor to integrating these technologies into submarine crew operations.
The laboratory is DoD’s Center of Excellence for Undersea Biomedical Research. Its mission is to protect the health and enhance the performance of warfighters through submarine, diving, and surface biomedical research solutions.
Established in World War II to conduct mission critical studies in night vision, sonar sound discrimination, and personnel selection, NSMRL continues to serve the fleet by taking the lead in undersea human factors, sensory sciences, and operational medicine.
Located on Submarine Base New London, the laboratory’s researchers have access to three submarine squadrons; the Navy Submarine School; the Naval Submarine Support Facility; Naval Undersea Medical Institute; and the Electric Boat Division of General Dynamics, which builds the nation’s submarines.
The laboratory is staffed by a diverse group of psychologists, audiologists, physicians, physiologists, and electrical, biomedical and nuclear engineers. Several colleges and universities are located in the same area, including the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, the Coast Guard R&D Center, Connecticut College and the University of Connecticut.
The laboratory’s numerous accomplishments continue to expand, and include scientifically based recommendations for submarine rescue equipment procedures, submarine atmosphere monitoring, waivers for clinical medical conditions, advanced sonar system capabilities, diver/sonar safe distances, and symbology for visual displays.
NSMRL is at the forefront of operational undersea research and development, as it has been for more than 50 years. Its more specific achievements include:

- Sea Lab 1 habitat project
- Disabled Submarine Escape and Rescue project
- “Rig-for-red” viewing
- Development of the International Orange color
Air-Sea Rescue Red)
- Studies of nitrogen narcosis
- Development of saturation diving and
decompression tables
- Development of a Hearing Loss Simulator
- Performance based screening of color vision
- Personnel screening and assessment for enclosed
- Effects of atmospheric constituents on health and
performance in enclosed environments
- Underwater acoustic signal discrimination and
- Bioeffects of low frequency underwater sound
- Electronic Stethoscope for military use in Extreme
Noise environments
- Command Decision-Making Processes in
- Alternate Watchstanding Trials on U.S. Naval
- Development of Antiswimmer System for Coast
Guard, Navy and Joint Non-Lethal Weapon
- Disabled Submarine Survival Exercises

Arrangements for system validation are conveniently made through Submarine School New London; and sea trials with research products are coordinated through Naval Submarine Base New London in Groton, Conn., and Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Newport, R.I.

Naval Criminal Investigative Service

Naval Criminal Investigative Service NCIS is a federal law enforcement agency that protects and defends the Department of Navy against terrorism and foreign intelligence threats, investigates major criminal offenses, enforces the criminal laws of the United States and the UCMJ, assists commands in maintaining good order and discipline, and provides law enforcement and security services to the Navy and Marine Corps on a worldwide basis.
NCIS has the primary jurisdiction within the DON for all alleged, suspected, or actual felony criminal offenses, terrorist or intelligence threats, and security compromises. This authority includes offenses and incidents on and off USN and USMC installations and vessels worldwide. This jurisdiction is grounded in US Federal statutes, Executive Orders, and DOD and Secretary of the Navy policy.
NCIS is located in Building 166 on SUBASE and is staffed by 11 civilian special agents. In addition to criminal investigative, counterterrorism, and counterintelligence responsibilities, the office offers all commands briefs on counter-narcotics, crime prevention, counterintelligence, and counterterrorism. Inquiries concerning NCIS can be directed to a special agent by calling (860) 694-4681/6/7.

(860) 694-4681/6/7
(860) 694-3777

Navy Information Operations
Detachment Groton (NIOD)

Navy Information Operations Detachment (NIOD) Groton, formerly Naval Security Group Activity Groton, is located in Building 106. NIOD Groton provides dedicated cryptologic support in the form of equipment installation, system maintenance, and underway maintenance support to units of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet.

Nuclear Regional Maintenance
Department (NRMD)

The Nuclear Regional Maintenance Department is responsible for the planning, direction and coordination of all repairs, alterations or modifications performed on nuclear machinery, components and associated systems. The department develops and enforces performance standards for nuclear production work, and supervises the development of improved production techniques and engineering methods.
NRMD consists of five groups: Ship Repair, Radiological Controls, Radiation Health, Nuclear Repair Coordinators, and Facilities Maintenance.
Ship Repair is responsible for performing repairs to nuclear systems and components; requisitioning materials and providing technical support for nuclear work; manufacturing custom radiological enclosures; and conducting portable effluent tank, relief valve testing and resin/media exchange evolutions.
Facilities Maintenance is responsible for conducting corrective and preventive maintenance in the Controlled Industrial Facility; coordinating delivery of controlled pure water to tended units on the waterfront; and maintaining and issuing test equipment in support of nuclear maintenance on tended units.
Nuclear Repair Coordinators are responsible for coordination and execution of all phases of nuclear work until the repair and documentation are complete and filed; screening all nuclear jobs to determine the availability of material, personnel and procedures; coordinating the accomplishment of nuclear systems SHIPALTs and A&Is on tended units and in the Nuclear Support Facility; and acting as liaison between RPPY and NSFPY in matters pertaining to the conduct of nuclear work.
Radiation Health is responsible for providing internal monitoring for personnel; and for occupational radiation exposure control and reporting at the Naval Submarine Base New London.
Radiological Controls is responsible for all radioactive material in the FMA associated with naval nuclear power plants. It provides for radiological controls and monitoring of all FMA work associated with shipboard nuclear propulsion plant systems and within the Controlled Industrial Facility as well as the oversight of ships force radiological work. Additionally, the division is the responsible agent for the proper receipt, accountability, stowage and disposal of radioactive material and provides monitoring oversight and radiological support for Ship Repair division. It provides radioactive material receipt, transfer and shipping services; and provides multi-channel analyzer and waste curie monitoring services.

Submarine Technical Support Center (STSC)

Submarine Technical Support Center (STSC) is a group of highly skilled technical experts on a variety of submarine systems. These experts provide troubleshooting support to assigned submarines via distance support and on-site support. STSC also provides a limited amount of repair support.