MCAS Cherry Point Air Show
More than 150,000 attendee are treated bi-annually to what our Marines aboard Cherry Point are capable of accomplishing when it comes to hosting the Carolina’s largest air show; the “MCAS Cherry Point Air Show”.
Our air show electrifies the attendees with what the US Marines are known for in times of strife throughout the world, plus, it entertains our visitors with over a dozen performers that filled the skies throughout the weekend with death defying stunts and demonstrations.
The air show has 3 main goals:
1) To serve as the air station’s “Open House” and highlight our local communities how their tax dollars are used, all the while enhancing the relationship between the installation and our local residents.
2) Recruitment and retention. Air shows are a perfect time for face-to-face interaction with young people who are thinking of joining the Marines and/or the armed forces.
3) To illustrate to the attendees the latest and greatest in recent military technological advances.
The premiere performers are the US Navy’s aerobatic show team, the Blue Angels. Rated high on the list are also the MAGTF demo, the Harrier demo and the EOD’s Wall Of Fame. Additionally, the show highlights a huge array of civilian aerial demonstrations and a jet powered rocket truck.
With all the heart–stopping events in the sky, organizers also provide various simulators, NASCAR show cars, interactive displays, and a unique variety of static and historical aircraft for all to enjoy.
The air show also plays a large part in unit and squadron fund raising. One method is through the concession and novelty sales. Over 45 booths line the tarmac and each of the booths is manned by a variety of units, squadrons and civic organizations that receive a portion of their overall sales.
Make plans now for you and your family to enjoy a fun filled weekend in the spring to include the unprecedented Friday “Night Show” and two full weekend “Day Shows” on Saturday and Sunday.
For more information, check out the air show’s comprehensive Web site at: • 1-866-WINGS-NC